Allow me to welcome you to my world of enchanting second-hand woollens and knits into rags of happiness.
I'm that eclectic chick who rescues your grandma's cardigans from imminent silverfish dinners in op shops and turns them into dreamcoats that rival Josephs.
I use good quality pure wools: merino, lamb, angora, cashmere, pashmina and alpacha. I also use some wool blends and acrylic. I incorporate 100% cottons, raw silk, velvet and corduroy at times as well.
This process begins with every garment, that calls to be chopped up, being put into my bathtub of hot soapy water and shrunk. This requires me to stir it with a broomstick like a witch with her cauldron. This is Step 1 of enchanting. This means for you that you can be assured the garments that went into your new rag have been made hardy and up for whatever adventures you have in store for it. Plus it won't shrink in the wash - that's always a bonus.
Step 2 of the process begins with music and a sense of humour; taking to a jumper like Edward Scissorhands can evoke feelings of upset in some people but this is where the magic happens.
This ends in Step 3: you get to own a one of a kind coat that even comes with a name. Plus you are supporting local, handmade, upcycling, repurposing and the ideals of a sole mumma who tells her children that one of the keys to happiness is ' Work out what you love doing then work out a way to get paid for it'.
Store Locations
Shiralee's Enchanted Rags